Railway service is available from Mahoba town to all major metropolitan cities such as Mumbai, Kolkata and Delhi. The nearest airport is Khajuraho, 55 km from Mahoba.
Here are the list of Trains Passing through Mahoba ( MBA )
Here are the list of Trains Passing through Mahoba ( MBA )
Train name | Train no. | Arrives | Departs | Starting Station | End Station |
BundelKhand Express | 1107 | 00: 05 | 00: 07 | Gwalior | Varanasi Junction |
Chambal Express | 2176 | 11: 18 | 11: 20 | Gwalior | Howrah Junction |
Chambal Express | 2178 | 11: 18 | 11: 20 | Agra Cantt | Howrah Junction |
Harpalpur to Bela Tal Train Booking - Online ticket reservation for Harpalpur to Bela Tal Trains at MakeMyTrip. List of all the trains running between the major station from belatal to jhansi and banda, mahoba, manikpur etc.