Bella became the main route between the city and the charm of rhythm has returned after five years. Because of the rain water is overflowing, now We got over-flow needs. Given the beauty of seeing the overflowing pond is made.
Belatal the middle famous Hanuman Mandir, Ram Setu and the Sai temple. Both are connected to the Ram Setu temple, located in the middle of the pond, but the pond remain dry due to the overall beauty of the temples did seem insipid. Due to low rainfall in the past was not able to fill Belatal which did not see here Sunderta.
The monsoon rains in a week to remain dry rhythm Bella was buzzing. Today the situation has reached the over-Flon Belatal much water is needed. Due to overflowing of the pond in the beauty of the temples is the aura. Bella greenery and flowers from the top of the pond to the people once again forced to draw.
Here on the banks of the pond The nursery has also seemed to be greener. Damayanti Belatal campus of the people became too has begun to arrive in the park. Twice the number of people is beginning to be seen. Belatal young said here after a view of the water overflowing Wanki are worth. Besides, even religious, with a sensation of peace and happiness is derived. That's why people come here, walking and philosophy are like the rest.